Tag Archives: Fredtoften

Yet another record set in Danish disc golf history

– and surely a crown jewel in the history of Kokkedal Open, since its beginning in 2006
For second time in a row, Kokkedal Open sponsored by Prodigy was part of the PDGA EuroTour. This year a bit changed in the format, with more focus on the age based divisions and amateurs. As a “sidekick” it was possible to invite MPO and FPO divisions as well. A story in of its own, well covered by Alex Williamson, Ultiworld Disc Golf

Offering 10 divisions is bit of a mouth full, even with 162 spots available and boiling it all together in a short meaningful article is even difficult, so here are some of the highlights division by division 🙂

MJ18 – Junior division

Being the only player in this division, Elliot Lind Palmstadius was secured 1. place in advance. But all
weekend he had to battle with the MPO players from the demanding white tee on both courses. Shooting an average of 844 rated rounds, he performed exactly matching his rating (844).
At the end, all his effort paid out in a nice trophy and lots of experience from the tournament.


Three wise men who seemed to have a blast of a tournament all weekend, always smiling big after each round. Andreas Wegener took a comfortable lead from round one. But local Kim Thomassen and Paul
Kustala from Estonia had their battle going on to the end. When it came down to the final hole at the
tournament – the infamous XXL, 183m. par 4 – the two players were tied! But a double bogey from Paul
secured Kim 2. place with only one throw.

FA1 – Advanced women

No doubt that a very strong playing Ria Galleza Hornby, showed that she means business, raising her level in every tournament, perhaps soon to be a rival for the FPO players. Having the best score in every single round, it gave no doubt about where the 1. place trophy would be placed.
But looking at the total scores, Camilla Sandvig was a sunshine story of her own. Even though she never was close to the podium, she managed to shoot an average of +43 compared to her current rating – big thumps up for an achievement like that!

MA1 – Advanced

The only person, who could match Rene Treier in first round was Stephan Werner, but he had to ace hole one to do this 🙂
The following rounds Rene was accompanied by lots of different players on the lead card – but he managed to reject them all!
Two of the most tenacious opponents was Nicolai Michaelsen playing his first ever 2 day tournament and still managed to play solid round after round (taking third in the end) and veteran Janus Hajslund , storming in from behind with a 1001 rated 3. round, making a serious move on the title. In the finals, Janus managed to put one hand on the trophy, but a fatal double bogey on the last hole and an amazing birdie by Rene pushed Janus back on 2. place.


Still young at heart and playing strong – the third round in the MP50 division was groundbreaking for the
placement of medals and fatal for some of the strongest contesters to the final group. Going in to the finals with a comfortable lead, Rene Westenberg had a look at the overall victory. And eventhough the  local Tom Mathiesen did his best to put the pressure on, Rene had the top score at the finals and took first place 5 strokes in front on Tom. Yet again the XXL hole was a game changer and pushed Raimondas Mikalkenas down from the podium with one stroke, taking a double bogey on the last hole.


What wonders experience and skill level can do!
Everybody did their best and probably most of these skilled players could still have secured a good
placement in the MPO division. But the story of the weekend was indeed Thomas Rasmussen. Showing
strong form this year and Kokkedal Open was no exception.
Even with a bit of a weak second round, opening up for any contesters, he certainly “closed the door” in the third round with an amazing minus 10 round at the demanding wooded course at Eghjorten.

Saturday equals “ACE DAY”

As mentioned, Stephan Werner made an ace in his first round Saturday. But before that, the chains had
already caught the disc from Thomas Jahn, making an ace on hole nine. Later on in second round, Andreas Havnegjerde navigated his disc from tee to metal, making the third ace of the day on 17.

Kokkedal Open overall

And what was that about a record, as mentioned in the headline?
162 players was the biggest players field in Danish history! Unfortunately, late cancellations decimated the final number to 155 (which is still a record :)).
And what a pleasure being host for all of these players. Taking in the Kokkedal Open spirit, having focus on playing their best disc golf and enjoying themselves between and after rounds.
All made smooth by our exceptionally hard working and welcoming helpers. Trying to make this event as good an experience as possible.
Again we we’re blessed with great weather only interrupted by a heavy shower at lunch break Saturday.
Being at the office most weekend, it’s not possible to get the full picture. But talking to volunteers and
players between rounds, we’re pleased with the result of our effort. Hopefully this picture match the one
our guests have.
Once again a big THANK YOU to all the volunteers from Karlebo Frisbee-Golf Klub and Eghjorten Disc Golf
Klub and our sponsors. Making this event possible and once again special.

/Lars Lau Jensen
TD – Kokkedal Open

Foreløbig turneringskalender 2017

Endelig er turneringskalenderen faldet på plads, dog med nogle forbehold. Vi kom lidt sent i gang med forberedelserne i år af forskellige årsager, hvorfor kalenderen har ladet vente på sig. Det beklager vi.

DDGU Danish Tour 2017

8.-9. april: Mølleparken, Taastrup
22. april: Damparken/Kløften, Haderslev *)
20.-21. maj: RUC, Roskilde
3.-4. juni: Tilst bypark, Aarhus
25. juni: Valbyparken, København 
5.-6. august: Bundgaardsparken, Aalborg
* – Flyttes evt. til Gram, så fremt banen bliver klar


24. juni: SM, Valbyparken, København
26.-27. august: DM i pargolf, Fredtoften, Kokkedal
9.-10. september: DM, Tilst bypark, Aarhus

Vi mangler stadig at finde en TD til JM, så kontakt joakim@ddgu.dk hurtigst muligt, hvis du kunne tænke dig at afholde en af disse. Det samme gælder hvis du/din klub kunne tænke jer at afholde DM i 2018. Der er ingen ansøgningsfrist, men jo før vi kan få turneringerne på plads, jo før kan du/I gå i gang med planlægningen. Med hensyn til DM 2018, så skal det afholdes på Sjælland/Øst for storebælt.

Trilogy Challenge på Fredtoften


Kom og prøv 3 helt nye disce fra Trilogy (Westside Discs, Dynamic Discs og Latitude 64) og få en på opleveren.

Tid: Søndag d. 6. september kl 10.00 (tee-off kort herefter).
Seneste frist for tilmelding: Søndag d. 9. august.

Prisen er DKK205,- per person ($30USD)
For dette får du:
* En putter (Latitude 64)
* En midrange (Dynamic Discs)
* En driver (Westside)
* Et clipboard
* En mini-marker (Judge)
* En blyant &
* En tusch til at skrive dit navn i din disc.

Ud over dette er der flere præmier på spil – disse annonceres på dagen.

Tilmelding og mere info via dette link: http://goo.gl/forms/VkMJw9KuBI

DDGU Danish Tour rykker til Sjælland

TurneringssponsorI denne weekend kom DDGU Danish Tour endelig til det Sjællandske, hvor der blev afholdt hele to afdelinger. Lørdag gik det løs til Hillerød Open på den nyetablerede bane ved Eghjorten Naturlegeplads, hvor feltet igen rundede mere end 50 spillere. Der var tæt kamp i toppen af både AM, Masters og Open rækkerne, hvor intet var afgjort inden finalehullerne.

Anders Madsen løb med sejren i Amatørrækken et enkelt kast foran Simon Petersen, efter han ellers var et kast bagud før finalen, mens der var yderligere to kast ned til Rasmus Hansen og Per Nielsen på en delt 3.plads.

I Masters modstod Al Flemming lige akkurat presset fra Søren Sejr Larsen, som ellers hentede 4 af de 5 kast han var bagud inden finalen. Jakob Burkard overhalede Janus Hajslund og tog 3. pladsen.

I Open havde Jeppe Ask Sørensen et forspring på 4 kast ned til Karl Johan Nybo, tæt forfulgt af Thomas Rasmussen og Martin Spliid henholdsvis et og to kast yderligere efter. Jeppe stod for presset og holdt modstanderne fra at presse ham, mens Martin spillede sig op på 2. pladsen forbi både Thomas og Karl Johan.

Rasmus Johansson dominerede de øvrige juniorer med runder på 56 og 55 kast, mens Erling Vestergård og Rie Rasmussen løb med sejrene i henholdvis Grand Masters og Women.

Søndag fortsatte det gode vejr og det gode spil til Kokkedal Open på Fredtoften, hvor der igen var over 50 spillere til start. Referatet fra turneringen kan læses på KFGK’s hjemmeside.

Tillykke til alle vindere og til Timothy Hald med sit Ace i Kokkedal, og stor tak til weekendens TD’ere, og ikke mindst alle de frivillige hjælpere i fra KFGK.

De fulde resultater for Hillerød og Kokkedal Open kan ses hos PDGA.

Husk også at tilmeldingen er åben til Aalborg Open og Valbyparken Open.