Nyt om fremtidige Europamesterskaber (EDGC)
Der er ikke så mange der er klar over det måske, men under sidste EM i Kroatien blev der afholdt summemøde omkring hvordan EM i fremtiden kunne se ud, da det er klart, at 200 pladser muligvis ikke er nok til at få ‘de bedste af de bedste’ med til EM.
Der er nu kommet følgende skriv fra arbejdsgruppen under EDGF (European Disc Golf Federation, der har det overordnede ansvar for afvikling af EM). Nedenstående er et direkte copy/paste af den mail vi har modtaget – kommentarer modtages meget gerne – enten via mail eller FaceBook-besked direkte til landekoorditator, René Mikkelsen : rene@ddgu.dk.
Der er allerede videresendt ønske om at få tilføjet MP55 division til EMDGC.
“Dear EDGF Country Representatives,
here is the brief overview of the format of European Disc Golf Championship to be introduced in 2020. The format is based on the EDGF discussion session this August in Sv. Martin in Croatia. The document (now public) with the basic standards can be found at:
The major points are:
(1) splitting of EDGC to two events EDGC (MPO, FPO, MJ18, FJ18) and EMDGC (MP40+, FP40+). The bid call will be held simultaneously for both events and bids that will propose organization of a joint event at one place will be also considered (but these will require 2 full courses). This way we will be able to increase the capacity of the event as the current size is becoming too small to accommodate growing number of European countries with disc golf scene, growing junior and master aged competition and foremost, stronger and stronger competition in the main divisions.
(2) the capacity of the events is set to 180 (EDGC) and 120 (EMDGC). In case of EDGC this is a small growth (from approximately 140 players in the divisions at EDGC 2018) that should provide more space for more junior aged players, for more top level European competitors and also for developing countries (the number of countries in Europe with disc golf scene is growing every year).
On the other hand, 120 spots for master aged division is a huge growth (from approx. 60 players at 2018 EDGC). We believe that the master aged scene in Europe deserves a real competition where the best players can compete against themselves and not with MPO/FPO and juniors within their own country for their qualification spots.
At the same time, the capacity of both events is less than 200 for EDGC in 2018, and that should allow for more space for decision making in case of a sudden severe weather or other unforeseen events during the competition.
(3) We want to provide eligibility to all junior aged players to compete in MJ18 and FJ18 at EDGC regardless of their PDGA Pro/Am status. Currently the PDGA rules do not allow such a provision, however, we want to request a waiver for the particular event – EDGC from PDGA Europe. We want to make EDGC the real competition of the best European players and this is a part of the goal. We will need a strong support of the European disc golf community in this direction as PDGA may be reluctant to grant such a waiver. Please, share your opinion with us.
(4) To step up the professionalism at EDGC we will also set up framework for the nomination of the players, their rights and responsibilities (while at the same time letting the National Associations (NA) to determine their own terms and micromanage the conditions). Thus – NAs will need to prepare contracts for the players, publish their nomination criteria in a timely manner , etc. On the other hand, the players will need to sign the contracts with NAs, become members of NAs, and adhere to team policies. Once again, EDGF will set only the framework, and prepare the exemplary illustration documents. NAs will be free to modify these or prepare their own documents (multiple NAs have already used some type of player contracts in the past).
What next?
Currently, the joint EDGF – PDGA Europe European Championship Committee is preparing the detailed event standards that should be ready for a discussion by the end of the year. Once the format and standards will be approved, the bid call for the events will be open (we expect that to happen in the second half of January 2019).
The next step then will be preparation of the spot distribution formulas. We hope to have the draft ready in February and approve it after the discussion and possible modifications in March, so the NAs will have enough time to set up their own nomination rules.
We hope that the new format and rules will make European Disc Golf Championships in 2020 a great events and that all of you will be able to showcase there your best players.
EDGF president”